National Geographic Readers: ¡Agárrate, Mono! (Pre-Reader)-Spanish Edition
AHORA EN ESPA OL Sigue la historia de un monito que aprende sobre la vida en la jungla. Obs rvalo colg ndose de las ramas, columpi ndose de rbol en rbol y andando sobre la espalda de su mam . Este libro para principiantes utiliza vocabulario simple e im genes divertidas para captar el inter s y desarrollar las habilidades de lectores que reci n empiezan a leer. Las locas travesuras, el humor y la informaci n divertida hacen que esta lectura sea un placer. Los libros de National Geographic han tenido mucho xito en la categor a competitiva de libros para principiantes, y este libro contribuye a este xito con el mismo texto cuidadosamente nivelado e im genes maravillosas. Ahora la serie se expande m s all de los niveles de la escuela primaria para llegar a los principios de la relaci n entre el ni o y la lectura. Los libros Pre-Lectores de National Geographic utilizan la representaci n visual, la repetici n y el reconocimiento para ense ar a los ni os la base de esta hermosa habilidad.
Author: Susan B. Neuman
Publisher: National Geographic Kids
Published: 09/18/2018
Pages: 24
Binding Type: Paperback
Series: Readers
Weight: 0.15lbs
Size: 8.70h x 5.80w x 0.10d
ISBN: 9781426332326
Language: Spanish
Audience: 03 - 05
About the Author
Susan B. Neuman is a professor and the chair of the Teaching and Learning department at the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development at New York University specializing in early literacy development. Previously, she served on the faculty of the University of Michigan and before that as the US assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education. In her role as assistant secretary, Neuman established the Early Reading First program, developed the Early Childhood Educator Professional Development Program, and was responsible for all the activities in Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Author: Susan B. Neuman
Publisher: National Geographic Kids
Published: 09/18/2018
Pages: 24
Binding Type: Paperback
Series: Readers
Weight: 0.15lbs
Size: 8.70h x 5.80w x 0.10d
ISBN: 9781426332326
Language: Spanish
Audience: 03 - 05
About the Author
Susan B. Neuman is a professor and the chair of the Teaching and Learning department at the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development at New York University specializing in early literacy development. Previously, she served on the faculty of the University of Michigan and before that as the US assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education. In her role as assistant secretary, Neuman established the Early Reading First program, developed the Early Childhood Educator Professional Development Program, and was responsible for all the activities in Title 1 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.