Whoo-Whoo Hears You? : A Bedtime Flap Book
The book’s simple text and sweet artwork remind young readers that they, too, are surrounded by a community who cares for them. Whoo-Whoo Hears You? is a perfect story for the fall season—or any time of year!
Lift the flaps to discover all of Little Whoo's forest friends!
In this slightly bedtime flap book, Mama Owl asks Little Whoo to begin the night by thanking God for their forest friends. As the two owls travel through the woods, young readers will guess which animal is hiding in each scene as Mama Owl asks questions like:
Whoo-whoo sings to you? (Lift the flap to find out it’s the frog!)
Whoo-whoo snacks with you? (Lift the flap to see it’s the raccoon!)
Whoo-whoo peeks at you? (Lift the flap to discover it’s the mole!)
The book’s simple text and sweet artwork remind young readers that they, too, are surrounded by a community who cares for them. Whoo-Whoo Hears You? is a perfect story for the fall season—or any time of year! And it’s great for reading at bedtime to encourage little ones to thank God for their own loved ones before they fall asleep.